7 Signs It's Time to Consider Therapy (And Why It Can Help)

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck in unhealthy patterns, or struggling with issues that never seem to resolve on their own? If so, it may be time to consider seeking professional counseling or therapy. Many people aren't sure when the "right" time is to reach out for help. The truth is, you don't have to be in crisis to benefit from talking to a therapist.

Here are 7 common signs that counseling could provide valuable guidance and support:

  1. Constant Stress and Anxiety

    Are you frequently frazzled, on edge, or caught in endless worry loops? Perhaps you're staying up at night ruminating about work stresses, the kids' schedules, money woes, or a heavy load of responsibilities. Chronic anxiety can manifest as restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, or even physical symptoms like stomachaches or headaches. These symptoms can often lead to depression left unchecked.

  2. Lingering Sadness or Depression

    While everyone feels down sometimes, if you've been experiencing a persistent low mood, lack of motivation, fatigue, or sense of hopelessness for weeks or months, it could indicate depression. Other red flags include major changes in appetite or sleep patterns, feeling worthless or excessively guilty, and having recurrent thoughts about death or suicide. If you’ve been experiencing these feelings and symptoms for more than 2 weeks, it might be time to check in with a counselor.

  3. Relationship Problems

    Whether difficulties with your partner, family members, or close friends, counseling aids communication, conflict resolution, and promotes mutual understanding. Relationships that could benefit from therapy often involve frequent arguing, emotional distance, lack of intimacy, contempt, unrealistic expectations, betrayal of trust, or compatibility concerns.

  4. Traumatic Experiences
    Trauma comes in many shapes and sizes. We recognize that trauma can come from disturbing life events like abuse, sexual or physical assault, combat experiences, accidents, or the loss of a loved one. But, did you know many childhood experiences — like bullying, difficult or strong parental styles, or stressed-out or unavailable parents can lead to trauma as well? Signs you may be struggling with trauma include nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of reminders, negative changes in thoughts and mood, feeling numb or detached, being easily startled, low self-esteem and experiencing guilt, shame or blame.

  5. Unhealthy Coping Behaviors

    Using food, alcohol, drugs, reckless spending, compulsive internet habits or other addictive behaviors to numb or distract from difficult emotions are red flags. In today’s world, technology has developed many distractions that can become unhealthy. While these habits may provide temporary relief, over time they prevent you from addressing the root issues and can take a serious toll on your health and relationships.

  6. Low Self-Esteem
    Persistent negative self-talk, self-doubt, and feeling inadequate or like a failure can deeply impact well-being. Low self-worth often stems from childhood experiences, unhealthy relationships, trauma, perfectionism, or critical inner voices. Left unchecked, it can sabotage relationships, careers, and leave you feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

  7. Transitions and Life Changes

    Major life shifts like becoming a parent, marriage, job changes, separation/divorce, loss of a loved one, moving, or other upheavals can be extremely challenging to navigate alone. Therapists provide tools to adapt positively through transitions and overcome feelings like anxiety, depression, anger, or grief.

The truth is, we all face difficulties and personal struggles at times. When issues feel too overwhelming, entrenched, or complex to resolve independently, therapy provides a compassionate space to gain clarity, insights, and a plan forward.

Working with a licensed therapist offers a judgment-free zone to share authentically, process emotions, acquire coping skills, improve relationships, and ultimately enhance your overall well-being and outlook on life.

If any of these signs resonate with you, it may be valuable to at least have an initial consultation with a counselor at Lisa Chen & Associates. Their caring therapists specialize in individual and couples counseling in the Hermosa Beach area. Reach out today to explore how therapy could help you gain more joy, fulfillment, and peace.

Services Offered at Lisa Chen & Associates:

We are happy to offer a variety of services both in-person and online from our Hermosa Beach, CA-based therapy practice. Other mental health services offered include therapy for anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma. We are happy to also offer support for couples counseling, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, stress management, teens, and the LGBTQ+ community. Please feel free to visit our blog or visit our about page for more helpful information! For more about online therapy check out this blog post!

Los Angeles Therapy Services: Individual, Couples & Online Counseling

At our therapy practice based in Hermosa Beach, CA, we provide a comprehensive range of mental health services to support individuals, couples, and families. Our experienced therapists offer in-person and online counseling options, ensuring convenient access to professional guidance and support.

Our services include:

Individual Therapy:

  • Anxiety and Depression Therapy

  • Grief and Trauma Counseling

  • Stress Management Techniques

  • Teen Therapy

  • LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy

Couples Counseling:

  • Relationship and Intimacy Issues

  • Premarital Counseling

  • Communication and Conflict Resolution

Specialized Therapy Approaches:

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) Intimacy from Inside Out (IFIO)

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Online Therapy in California: In addition to our Hermosa Beach office, we offer secure and confidential online therapy sessions, making it easier to access quality mental health care from the comfort of your home.

Start Your Healing Journey Today With Online Therapy in California

Ready to take the next step toward your healing goals and have extra support ahead of the holiday season? At Lisa Chen & Associates we’d be happy to give you extra support during this season. Schedule a free phone consultation to learn more about our practice and how our team may be able to support you along the way. Our team of holistic therapists is here to support all residents of California—online (or in person if you’re local to the Los Angeles area). Begin your journey to healing soon.


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